Author-it Software Corporation receives award as a winner of the TIN Report's Absolute IT Supreme Scale-Ups for 2022
Kia ora koutou
Auckland, 17 November 2022 – Technology Investment Network (TIN) has named Author-it Software Corporation a winner of this year’s TIN Awards for the 2022 TIN Report in the category of Absolute IT Supreme Scale-Ups, announced today at its awards event.
As a leading innovator of authoring management platform tools including ASC’s renowned CCMS Author-it, ASC has proven to be a very successful technology company for New Zealand and worldwide.

The TIN Report monitors the performance of New Zealand’s 200 (TIN100 and Next100) largest technology exporters in the areas of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), High-tech Manufacturing and Biotechnology. It is sponsored by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, Absolute IT, BNZ, EY, James & Wells and NZX.

With average annualised revenue growth of 10.6% between 2017 and 2022, TIN200 companies expanded nine times faster than the general New Zealand economy this year, delivering sustainable growth and profitability during a period of economic uncertainty.
Founded by tech entrepreneur Greg Shanahan in 1999, TIN has been taking the pulse of NZ’s technology exporters for nearly 20 years, with a simple mission: to help facilitate the growth of the technology sector in New Zealand. TIN seeks to achieve this goal through a range of endeavours: from the creation of networking events and resources for the high-tech sector – including the TIN100 Report – through to hands-on business management and custom research endeavours.

Author-it is a scalable CCMS solution with enterprise grade security for tech writers, content developers and non-technical contributors. Single sourcing is at our core, and with tons of functionality, we offer a collaborative solution capable of handling the needs of any organization.
ASC would like to thank the Technology Investment Network for this fantastic award and recognition!